Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dream Magic

At the end of my previous post, I mentioned something about how the way we see ourselves can change the way life treats us. Lots of people would agree, saying, "It's only a bad day because of your attitude", and the like. That's not what I meant at all, but it's pretty similar. Read on.

Imagine, if you will, that this physical plain is just a dream that we share together. We are the dreamers, and this is our dreamland.

You might say to yourself, "This isn't true. In a dream, one can make anything happen. This world is full of things that nobody likes, or things that nobody needs. If this is a dream, then why don't my own experiences seem even remotely dream-like? Aren't dreams supposed to be our personal havens? Isn't a dream usually like a paradise?"

At this point you would recall: Not all dreams are good dreams. Sometimes, we have nightmares. At any moment in time we might be forced to face things that we won't feel comfortable with, or even our worst fears. (And as a side note you would tell yourself that there are some strange people out there who do indeed like eggplant, so its presence is no surprise either.)

It would be perfectly reasonable to ask, "So, like, if I tried to like, um, will an ice cream sammich into this world, it would like, appear in my hands? Like, if I wanted it really bad and stuff?"

You would realize that even in your own dreams it takes quite the force of will to alter the situation and environment. Usually, your subconscious self dictates the goings-on. Adding the fact that your dreams are contained within your mind, ergo easier to govern, and the dream which is life is not contained in anything at all (as we yet know), to alter this world consciously would take the strength of will that only a god could hold.

"So how can we alter this world at all, it being so big and we being so small?" you would ponder. "What is the point of it not being real, if we cannot possibly bend the rules of reality to benefit ourselves and eachother?"

By this I would be able to tell that you do not yet realize the power of your subconscious self. We have, inside of us, limitless potential. Our subconscious self is synonymous with our ultimate self, and the more we improve our minds, the more it awakens within us.

So, you see, the key to altering the world around us is by subconscious will. This, for some people, is quite troubling. You cannot control your subconscious as directly as you'd like. For some, it seems to even have a mind of its own. Some people subconsciously have a deep loathing for themselves. Others might subconsciously think of themselves as hard-working and righteous individuals who are worthy of reward (and they are not just conceited, for the subconscious sees only the truth). They are both mostly unaware of this.

Those who hate themselves want bad things to happen to them, so their lives are miserable. Those who love themselves want good things to happen to them, so their lives are wonderful.

At the moment you are likely asking nobody in particular, "How do I make my subconscious self love me so that good things will happen?" Well, since good things happen to good people, you could start by acting like a good person, and later become one.

"Good people do what is good. How will I know what is the good thing to do?" This is an extremely difficult and controversial question to answer. Many people see things differently. The Nords believed that it was good to slay eachother for glory. Hindus believe that cows are sacred. Eskimos allow travellers access to their wife during the night. Americans believe the previous beliefs are apalling.

The truth is, all of us know what is good already. We are born with this knowledge. Our culture may shape us to accept the killing of others as an acceptable way to behave, but we are born knowing that murder is bad. When someone does something bad, they feel bad. Some people have such an innate sense of good inside of them that wavering from the righteous path will make them cry, or even vomit.

"If doing something bad makes us feel bad, then why do we do bad things?" would be an appropriate question to ask, and a very intriguing one at that. Indeed, people are always lying and cheating their way through life's many obstacles, taking the easy way out (which is almost always the bad way) to simply better their own mundane existence. My only theory so far for this is that we are also imbued with the knowledge that after suffering much, we are greatly rewarded. I'm probably way off though. (So in your comment you may include your own theories for this.)

One must also realize that our the demeanor of our subconscious self does not only have an effect on ourselves, but on others as well. Pure hate is a dangerous weapon of destruction, but in order for us to feel it towards someone, they will have had to do something to deserve it. This makes things twice as bad for them, since they also ultimately (or subconsciously) hate themselves for it, and the cosmic punishments are doubled. They can even be tripled, or quadrupled, or etc., if they offend more people. Perhaps this is why we are naturally inclined to protect ourselves from this by doing bad things in secret, rather than in public.

After pondering on this a bit, one may find themselves asking, "Why is it that if there is something that many people subconsciously wish to be changed, it doesn't always change?" One must remember that an object at rest that uses its energy to stay at rest is much stronger than an object in motion that uses its energy to stay in motion. The conservative minds out there are many, and all are stubborn, down to the subconscious level. This is not necessarily wrong; change is a difficult thing to deal with for some people, and they only want to be comfortable. So, why isn't the world a better place? Because many people put their will against it changing at all.

Thus we see that opposition can occur on all fields of existence. Many of the influencing energies we send out are cancelled by opposing energies sent out by people with a different idea of things. By becoming more like our true and ultimate selves, we can send more powerful influences into the world and change it to suit our needs and the needs of those we love.

Being aware of this power will not change your life, it will only change the way you view it. When something bad happens to you, you might actually begin to think about why it happened, and furthermore why it happened to you of all people.

And that's my philosophy of the world. Whether or not it is true doesn't matter; if we apply the principles contained in it, we will become better people (which really does matter, by the way).